For the past few weeks I've been sorting and decluttering everything!!!
Boxes of items for Charity......
My beloved Cook Books are packed away.......
Some strange things you find when packing up.... Jim Beam glasses, puuuhhlease!
I won't even get into the things my husband has come across whilst sorting out boxes from his childhood!
Nevertheless we are well and truly on our way to being all packed up here at the 'Old House', yes we are already calling it that! The garage is full of junk for the tip and giveaway items for friends and family. It feels so good to have done this clean out in readiness for the 'New House', we are thinking why haven't we done this sooner? I mean I've always done a spring clean each year in the kitchen, linen cupboards and our closets but somehow going through everything has brought to light how many unecessary items we have packed away somewhere.
We are planning some photographs for the Real Estate this week so when we list this house vacant there will be photo's with furniture placement, however this is putting my packing cycle out of whack, I can't do it room by room just yet.
We have 10 sleeps till moving day so better get cracking!
Not sure how many sleeps these two will have before then........................